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Football Logo jpg


Crafts, Gnomes, FREE NFL SVGs and AI Generated Pictures, Party Ideas and MORE


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Crafts - NFL TeamsFootball Party Games - Super BOWL -  Other Ideas - Cakes


Football Jar

Painted Football jars are an inexpensive way to decorate for game day. These are just spaghetti sauce jars I painted. I used the Cricut for accents but paint will work too.

Football Player Clipart png
Football Clipart png

Detroit Lions

Detroit Lions Gnome

I'm from Michigan so I got to cheer for the Lions. I am also aware of the fact the gnomes are the wrong color blue. I went with what I had :D

See how these were made on The Gnome Page. Tutorial shows the Lion Gnome but as always with Bear Budget Crafts he can be customized to anything you want.

Detroit Lions Cupcakes

I found these at our local grocery store bakery. The helmets are kind of cheesy but I wanted the footballs. I love it when craft supplies come with baked goods !!! 

Detroit Lions Gnome 2
Football Clipart png
Detroit Lions Helmet png
Detroit Lions Gnome Wall Hanging

This is a plain gnome silhouette I painted and added accents too. Quickest and easiest craft I have in this section and my favorite.

Detroit Lions Clipart png
Detroit Lions Gnome Clipart

SVG Projects

Detroit Lions Wall Hanging

Click On Pic For SVG

King Of The North
Vinyl On Canvas

Click to Download

Detroit Lions Candle

Detroit Lions Candle
Hey lighting a candle can't hurt right ?

Click On Pic For SVG

Lions Busted Canvas
See the Crafts Page for Busted Canvas instructions.

Detroit Lions Busted Canvas

This is the image I used for the Flat Canvas
Click to Download

Stretched Canvas
FRONT - Material for the main image
BACK - Flap was painted grey

etroit Lions Mickey Mouse PNG

Lions Black, White, Blue


FREE AI Generated JPG Files

Click on 1st pic in EACH Section to start the slideshow. Each pic has a link with it so you can download which ever ones you want.

Detroit Lions Clipart
Detroit Lions Clipart png

Baltimore Ravens

Baltimore Ravens Gnome


Ravens Gnome

Click to Download

Baltimore Ravens Clipart png
Baltimore Ravens Clipart png
Football Clipart png
Baltimore Ravens Clipart png

Chicago Bears

Chicago Bears Gnome

Click to Download


Bears Gnome

Football Clipart png

FREE AI Generated JPG Files

Click on 1st pic in EACH Section to start the slideshow. Each pic has a link with it so you can download which ever ones you want.

Chicago Bears Clipart png
Chicago Bears Clipart png
Chicago Bears Clipart png

Cincinnati Bengals

Cincinnati Bengals Gnome and Heart

Click to Download

Football Clipart png
Cincinnati Bengals Clipart png
Cincinnati Bengals Clipart png

FREE AI Generated JPG Files

Click on 1st pic in EACH Section to start the slideshow. Each pic has a link with it so you can download which ever ones you want.

Green Bay Packers

Green Bay Packers Gnome

Click to Download

Green Bay

Packers Gnome

Football Clipart png

Click on 1st pic in EACH Section to start the slideshow. Each pic has a link with it so you can download which ever ones you want.

FREE AI Generated JPG Files

Packers Background Image

Packers Background Image
Click to Download

Green Bay Packers Clipart  png
Green Bay Packers Clipart  png

Kansas City Chiefs

Superbowl LVII jpg
Superbowl XLVIII Logo png
Football Clipart png

2022 Season

Kansas City Chiefs 38

Philadelphia Eagles 35

2023 Season

Kansas City Chiefs    25

San Francisco 49ers 22

KC Chiefs Clipart
Patrick Mahomes Gnome

Patrick Mahomes Gnome
Kansas City Chiefs

Click to Download

Taylors Boyfriend Gnome
Gnome Sign Plain
Turn a plain sign into a 3D Stand Up Gnome
How I did it.
This is not a Step by Step Tutorial. Just a guide. Check the Sock Gnome Page for specific directions for all the components
KC Chiefs Clipart
Mahomes KC Chiefs Clipart



FREE AI Generated JPG Files

Click on 1st pic in EACH Section to start the slideshow. There are more then what is pictured here and each pic has a link with it so you can download which ever ones you want.

Chiefs Background jpg

Chiefs Background Image
Click to Download

Los Angeles Rams

2021 Season

Los Angeles Rams 23

Cincinatti Bengals 20

Football Clipart png
Los Angeles Rams Heart

Click to Download

Click on 1st pic in EACH Section to start the slideshow. Each pic has a link with it so you can download which ever ones you want.

FREE AI Generated JPG Files

LA Rams Clipart png
Rams Clipart png

Philadelphia Eagles

Philadelphia Eagles Gnome

Eagles Gnome

Dollar Tree Football Cup

Click to Download

I found this cup at Dollar Tree if you remove the top it makes a great vase, silverware holder etc or in this case, Eagle's Nest.

Football Clipart png
Phildelphia Eagles Clipart PNG
Phildelphia Eagles Clipart PNG
Phildelphia Eagles Clipart PNG

FREE AI Generated JPG Files

Click on 1st pic in EACH Section to start the slideshow. Each pic has a link with it so you can download which ever ones you want.

Superbowl LIX  jpg

2024 Season

Philadelphia Eagles 40

Kansas City Chiefs 22

San Francisco 49ers

Click to Download

San Francisco 49ers Gnome

San Francisco 49ers Gnome
Football Clipart png
San Francisco 49ers Clipart png
San Francisco 49ers Clipart png

Football Party Games

Mascot Match

Superbowl Mascot Match Printable Game

Match the Mascot with the Team.
Whether you follow football or prefer to watch The Bachelor reruns, this game is fun for all. Everyone can get at least some of them right. Some are harder but even those who have never seen a football game can probably figure out Billy Buffalo would probably be the mascot for the Buffalo Bills.
1 point for each correct answer
The person with the most points wins. 

Super Bowl Prize Basket

Prize Suggestion:

Make a Gift Basket out of the items featured in the commercials. Ok the less expensive ones, candy bars, Doritos, pop etc. You can Google Superbowl Sponsors ahead of time to see what will be advertised. 

* However if you do decide to add that Porsche or even the Chevy Pick Up PLEASE send me an invitation to your party !!!!

Touchdown Dance

Spike that Ball !!
Supplied with a Foam Football have everyone demonstrate their best touchdown dance.
After everyone has had their turn vote on the best.
* They can't vote for their own. Yea, I have those friends :D

football transparent png

Pass the Football

Purchase a Foam Football from the Dollar Store. Randomly give it to one of your guests. That person must pass the football to the "Right" person. (Whoever is on his right.) when the Superbowl game ball changes possession. The person holding the ball when a touchdown is scored gets a prize and passes the ball to the right.

Inexpensive Prizes

Go the the Dollar Store and purchase several items. Wrap them individually in tissue paper so no one knows what they are. Let the winners Pick A Prize.
Prizes can be Practical. ... a flashlight, a tape measure, a dish towel, a pot holder, kleenex etc ... or Not So Practical ... fairy wings, a tiara, hemorrhoid creme, a pregnancy test (Yes, my dollar store actually sells pregnancy tests ???) It's more fun if you mix it up, some good and some bad. Make the guy who won the tiara wear it. 

football transparent png

Super "Bowl"

Super BOWL

I've never understood football, yet I love the social part of a Superbowl Party. I used to pick on my husband about him wanting to go to a party that celebrated the Toilet. I mean our bowl serves it's purpose, it flushes when you push the handle. (Most of the time) But I really wouldn't call it Super. Whether you're a football fan or you think Toilets should have their day, you will love throwing a party that combines the two.

Super BOWL Party Table
  • A Football Cake decorated with fondant toilet paper can help upgrade your "Bowl" Party look. 


  • Drill holes in a piece of 4"x4" wood and add Dollar Store Plungers, paint them white and you have field goals that could hold fudge.

Poop Cupcakes

If you're going with the Super BOWL Theme, Poop Cupcakes are a Must Have. Boxed cake mix and a can of chocolate frosting. ( I prefer Duncan Hines cake mixes, they are always moist and very forgiving if you over bake a little.) If you don't have decorating bags and tips, simply scoop frosting into a sandwich size ziploc bag and cut the corner off. (I prefer ziploc bags because the plastic is heavier) Simply swirl the frosting around the cupcake starting on the outside working your way to the center. Eyes are optional but can be found at Walmart or most grocery stores.

Poop Cupcake Bear
Football Plunger Mascot
Crafting Mascot Bear

The SuperBOWL Mascot Trophy

How to Make Flush
Items Needed:
Plunger, 2 Foam Footballs, Felt, Pipe Cleaners
(All can be purchased from the Dollar Store)
Glue Gun

Cut a hole in the football and glue to the handle of the plunger making sure the laces of the football are located to make the mouth.
Twist together 4 black pipe cleaners to make 1 arm looping the ends to make fingers. Make 2 of these. Twist these around handle and glue.
Use a piece of white felt to make cape. I ran a running stitch across the top to gather it. Glue to handle.
Cut out a F from felt and glue to the back of cape.
Cut out eyes from felt. These can be any shape you'd like round, oval, even X's would be cute. Glue unto football. I used a black marker to paint under the eyes.
The nose pictured is a red pipe cleaner rolled up but you could use pom poms or even just a circle cut from felt.
Glue 2nd football unto handle so you can wrap the hands around it. Use a little bit of glue to secure hands.

Stickered letters can be used to write on the base.

Other Ideas

football puddle pool

I did the Football Puddle years ago but never took pics. So I made this one up for the website. I 'm thinking the odds of the Detroit Lions and the Cleveland Browns actually making it to the Superbowl would be 

When you don't have enough people for a Football "Pool" go for the Football "Puddle". Complete with frogs.

Football Puddle Cake


Paid Amazon Link

Just the football is really easy. You can keep it simple with just the football frosted with chocolate frosting and vanilla frosting for stripes and laces.

You can cut down a round cake and shape like a football if you don't have the Wilton Pan.


KC Chiefs Football Cake

Wilton's Football Cake Pan is a specialty pan that will get lots of use. 

Wilton Football Pan
Green Bay Packers Cheese and Football Cake

I use cardboard covered with foil (Either heavy duty aluminum foil or decorative foil ) as a cake board. Cut apart cardboard boxes you can get free at any store that is stocking shelves. I usually use at LEAST 2 stacked pieces of cardboard taped together so they are sturdier.

Football Player Cake

Add a round cake to your football cake to make a football player. Face and hands are made out of fondant.

I prefer the marshmallow fondant. It's cheaper then buying pre-made fondant and I think it tastes better. Fondant can be used like clay or playdoh and shaped into simple things.See my cake Page for the recipe

football transparent png
Tigers Football Cake

Messing with the friends who don't know the difference between Football and Baseball is always fun !!!

Deflategate Football Cakes

Sometimes you just have use your imagination and go with what is trending. Deflategate was a NFL controversy involving the allegation that New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady ordered the deliberate deflation of footballs used in the Patriots' victory against the Indianapolis Colts in the 2014 AFC Championship Game.

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