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Pipe Cleaner

Pipe Cleaner Flowers

Pipe Cleaner aka Chenille Stem Flowers, Daisies, Roses, Tulips, Daffodils, Violets, Sunflowers, Grape Hyacinths, Stephanotis. Easy to Follow Step by Step Instructions.

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Please Note: All Instructions are based on 12" Pipe Cleaners
So if instructed to use 1/2 that would be 6" a 1/4 would be 3"


The Daisy
The Daisy is your Basic Pipe Cleaner Flower from this you can make all kinds of others by just changing 1 or 2 steps, the colors or the length of your pipe cleaners.

The step by step instructions given here are for a larger daisy because it's usually easier to learn something when it's bigger

Pipe Cleaner Daisy Large
Pipe Cleaner Daisy Clay Pot

Step by Step Instructions

For Smaller Daisies 
Follow same steps using 1/4 (3") Pipe Cleaners


Change the colors and you have
Black Eye Susans

Pipe Cleaner Black Eye Susan

Or Change for less realistic and just FUN !!

Pipe Cleaner Neon Daisies

Stephanotis and Violets

A couple simple changes you have a Stephanotis or a Violet


Pipe Cleaner Stephanotis

Step by Step Instructions

My sister is allergic to these she calls them "Stuffy Noses"


Pipe Cleaner Violets

Same Instructions with Purple


I rolled a full length 12" green pipe cleaner to make the leaves for the violet plant.
Tack with a little glue as you go so it doesn't unroll


A couple other simple changes you have a Daffodil

Pipe Cleaner Daffodil

Step by Step Instructions


This one requires Glue

Pipe Cleaner Daffodil Clay Pot


Chenille Stem Rose
Pipe Cleaner Rose
Pipe Cleaner Chenille Stem Rose Arrangement

Step by Step Instructions

Larger Roses

For larger Roses follow the same instructions as above 


  • Use 1/2 length pipe cleaners instead of 1/4's

  • Use a folded green pipe cleaner for the stem so it is sturdier and wrap the entire stem to hold them together and to add more strength


Grape Hyacinths

Pipe Cleaner Grape Hyacinth
Pipe Cleaner Grape Hyacinth Clay pot

Step by Step Instructions


Chenille Stem Tulip
Pipe Cleaner Tulip
Pipe Cleaner Tulips in Clay Pot

Step by Step Instructions
Easy ??


Honestly I struggled with shaping this one


For the buds/sprouts/new growth I simply use 4 scrap red pipe cleaners folded in half and wrapped them in a green pipe cleaner

These tulips were not my favorites. I struggled with them to make the look right and still fell short. The sprouts helped a little. I did try to make them bigger using 1/2 stems. Didn't improve the tulips BUT ....

Pipe Cleaner Open Tulip

If you don't bend the red ones in all they way, it makes something somewhere between a Gerbera Daisy and a Spider Mum. Which is kind of cool. Maybe I'll try it with different colors, a brown center ???


Pipe Cleaner Sunflower

Step by Step Instructions

Add a couple of Sunflowers to a dollar store vase, a little bit of raffia and a couple of sticks and you have an inexpensive centerpiece that makes a large statement.

Pipe Cleaner Sunflower Vase
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